2016年4月12日 星期二

【SignalR】SignalR Invoke not working

Client 有連線上,但 Invoke 無反應,若 Wait() 則會出現 500 內部伺服器的錯誤等訊息。
Client is connected but Invoke doesn't seem to work.  Also 500 Internal Server Error show up when I use Wait() to check if the method done.

直接講結論,Server Hub 不能有非空的建構子,否則就會這樣(我猜可能會影響 Owin 架站的構築之類)。
Server Hub can't have none empty constructor, otherwise this would happen. Example below

public class SignalRServer : Hub

    // X
    public SignalRServer(string url)
        string x = url;

    // X
    public SignalRServer()
        string x = "x";

    // O
    public SignalRServer()
    // No ctor is OK as well

